Posts Tagged 'HIV. AIDS'

Ohio Summit on Women and HIV/AIDS Video Now Available Online

The Ohio Summit on Women and HIV/AIDS, led by State Representative Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) was held on March 15, 2012, and is now available to watch online via the Ohio Channel’s website. The summit was meant to build strategic connections to battle this critical women’s health issue. Rep. Antonio is proud to announce that the event was a great success.

HIV/AIDS is increasingly becoming a “women’s epidemic” in the United States. Some women, especially those living in poverty or at-risk situations, such as domestic violence or human trafficking, are more likely to face barriers in accessing HIV prevention, treatment and care. The Summit provided an opportunity to bring together professionals from women serving organizations around Ohio. Professionals who work in human services fields such as social work, health education, mental health and chemical dependency attended.

We had attendees from various organizations in Ohio and some from across the country. We also had 12 speakers present during the event.  There was an abundance of educational materials and business cards exchanged. We shared personal stories along with informational ways to spread awareness and how to work within human service fields. Since the summit, already new collaborations have been made.

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